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  • Chase Anderson

Aggregate is both beautiful and durable with a very natural look and feel!

Updated: May 18, 2023

Aggregate concrete finish is a popular and durable flooring option for both indoor and outdoor spaces. It is a type of concrete surface that incorporates a mixture of small and large stones, pebbles, and other decorative aggregates. This mixture is then applied to the concrete surface, creating a textured, speckled finish that is both visually appealing and highly functional. In this article, we will explore the process of creating aggregate concrete finish, as well as the benefits and beauty of this product.

The Process of Creating Aggregate Concrete Finish

The process of creating aggregate concrete finish involves several steps. Firstly, the concrete surface is prepared by cleaning and smoothing it out. Any cracks or holes in the surface are then filled and leveled out. Once the surface is clean and smooth, a layer of bonding agent is applied to help the aggregate mixture adhere to the surface.

The next step involves mixing the aggregate mixture. This mixture typically includes a combination of small and large stones, pebbles, and other decorative aggregates. The exact mixture can vary depending on the desired look and texture of the finished product. Once the aggregate mixture is prepared, it is spread evenly over the surface of the concrete.

After the aggregate mixture is spread, it is allowed to dry and harden for several hours. Once it is fully cured, the surface is then polished to create a smooth and shiny finish. Depending on the desired look, the surface can be left with a matte finish or a high-gloss finish.

Benefits of Aggregate Concrete Finish

One of the main benefits of aggregate concrete finish is its durability. Because of its textured surface, it is less likely to crack or chip than traditional concrete surfaces. Additionally, it is resistant to stains and can withstand heavy foot traffic and outdoor elements.

Another benefit of aggregate concrete finish is its versatility. It can be used in a variety of settings, from outdoor patios and walkways to indoor floors and countertops. It is also available in a range of colors and textures, making it a highly customizable option for any space.

In addition to its durability and versatility, aggregate concrete finish is also a sustainable option. It is made from locally sourced materials and can be recycled at the end of its life cycle. Additionally, its textured surface helps to reduce the amount of energy needed for lighting, as it reflects more light than a smooth surface.

The Beauty of Aggregate Concrete Finish

One of the most striking features of aggregate concrete finish is its natural beauty. The mixture of stones and aggregates creates a speckled, textured surface that is both unique and visually appealing. Additionally, the color and texture of the finished product can be customized to match the aesthetic of any space.

Another beauty of aggregate concrete finish is its ability to complement other design elements. It can be paired with a variety of materials, from wood and metal to glass and ceramic, to create a cohesive and visually stunning space. Its natural texture and color also provide a beautiful contrast to smooth surfaces, such as glass and metal.

In terms of maintenance, aggregate concrete finish is relatively easy to care for. It should be swept and cleaned regularly to remove dirt and debris. Additionally, it should be sealed periodically to protect the surface and maintain its shine. However, even with regular maintenance, the surface may develop some wear and tear over time. This can add to the natural beauty of the product, creating a unique patina that is both charming and durable.

Natural finish of aggregate.
Aggregate is a natural looking beautiful durable alternative finish to concrete.

Aggregate concrete finish is a beautiful, durable, natural looking sustainable flooring option for both indoor and outdoor spaces. Its natural texture and color provide a striking contrast to smooth surfaces, while its durability and versatility make it a practical choice for high-traffic areas. Whether you're looking to update the flooring in your home or create an inviting outdoor space, aggregate concrete finish is a versatile and visually stunning option to consider.

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